Hot Air Generation ICS

ICS ENERGIETECHINK specializes in the design and construction of energy equipment that uses waste wood, wood chips, bark, biomass and agricultural waste to generate thermal and electrical energy. Smart solutions enable the realization of projects for customers in agriculture, industry and municipal services.

The use of biomass plants in the agricultural sector and in the food industry is becoming increasingly important. Finally, CO2 emissions, carbon footprint and fuel costs are significantly reduced through the use of regionally available biomass. ICS ENERGIETECHNIK offers suitable solutions for energy supply for a large range of agricultural and food production processes.

In the agricultural sector, mainly drying plants for various products are being converted from fossil fuels to environmentally friendly biomass. Since suitable biomass fuels often occur directly at the production site, investing in a biomass energy supply has great economic advantages. In food production, the use of environmentally friendly process steam or hot water ensures long-term energy supply.

The plants with ICS HotAir technology are made with a thermal capacity up to 15.000 kWth and can provide hot air volumes up to 1.000.000 m³/h and temperatures up to 700 °C for all drying applications. Flexible technology allows the combination with almost all available agricultural and industry dryer models. The robust design is suitable the use of a wide range of different biomass fuels.

Often, the biomass systems are also combined with electrical power generation (cogeneration process) to allow the best possible use of biomass fuels.


  • Rabnitzweg 10
  • A-8062 Kumberg
  • Austria


Alvan Blanch - Hot Air Generation for Corn Drying, Spain Alvan Blanch - Hot Air Generation for Corn and Lucerne Drying, Austria Alvan Blanch - Hot Air Generation for Corn Drying, Austria Alvan Blanch - Hot Air Generation for Corn Drying, Austria Alvan Blanch - Hot Air Generation for Corn and Lucerne Drying, Slovenia Alvan Blanch - Hot Air Generation for Wood Drying, Ukraine Alvan Blanch - Hot Air Generation for Corn Drying, Austria
